Colleges are the place to be visited if there is to be a convening of a group of people pro-online shopping. College students have realized online shopping as convenient, and this has as a result quickly become a trend, so much one that it is where the majority of their shopping is done, from clothes, to gadgets, to food, and many others.
On, feedback has shown that the shopping trend is almost similar to fashion trends online, because of how much of its adoption is now mirrored with online shopping.
Below are 5 Online Shopping Trends on College Campuses in 2021:
Online Grocery Shopping:
While before the year 2020 many preferred to limit their use of online shopping to non-edible products, the pandemic and the education as to what many diseases may be contacted by being at a close range to others; many, especially students, now prefer to do their grocery shopping online.
Personal Shoppers:
Initiatives have also been adopted by store owners to encourage online shopping even more, and one of these is the introduction of personal shoppers which allows one to communicate with the shopper assigned what it is they desire, and gets the products delivered to their home. This is largely adopted by stores that already have physical stores, but the assurance that an attendant may pick the products desired and keep you- the consumer abreast of all purchases made as well as substitutes introduced encourages online shopping even more, and it is a trend quickly becoming prevalent in college campuses.
Smart Lockers:
Easier to manage and more flexible than P.O boxes, smart lockers are quickly becoming a trend in college campuses because of the ease it affords in getting ordered goods to the consumers. This way, mail services are not involved, and the students can pick up their packages at any time of the day. Grocery, gadgets, fashion, medicinal, and several other items can be ordered online and delivered to the smart locker without any stress.
Social Media:
Several businesses have had to open social media accounts and this has been realized to be of even more importance in college environments, as it has been noticed to drive sales and provide ease in business operations for both the seller and the consumer. Orders are now being made by messages simply being sent to the social media accounts, as many may not want to visit the websites, sometimes considering the process too strenuous for comfort.
Tailored Marketing:
The marketing strategies employed by online stores have enjoyed a major overhaul as research has brought to light the fact that general advertisements may not play in a college environment. Advertisements are now done in a way to appeal to the senses of students, and this has involved situations like taking a definite stance as to environmental consciousness.
The online shopping trends for the year 2021 are much different from the trends that were had by previous years, and this is largely owed to the COVID-19 pandemic. Hands free methods of delivery are applauded, now more than ever, and online stores are encouraged to develop a personality outside a formal tone on its social media, as it has been known to further sales.